
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Far Cry 3 fun

  Far Cry 3 is by far one of my most favorite games. Just wanted to blog a little on this game. I read somewhere on a review that this game is like Skyrim with guns. I didn't believe that at first but it truly is like Skyrim with guns. I used to hate First Person Shooters but started to notice more and more games are going FPS so it makes it hard for me to just straight play third person games. But I have to say this is the first full FPS that I have really got very deep into. Found myself hunting for skin all the time so that I can create new gear for myself. Even found I'm looking for money all over the place.
  Just taking a look at Far Cry 3 you would think it's not open world or anything. I was looking for a survival game because I been in that survival mood lately and I picked up Far Cry 3. Then I found that this game is completely opened world with all kinds of things to do and it honestly plays like a Role Playing Game not like what many First Person Shooters do by pushing you down one path and only one path. But let me get back to talking about Far Cry 3.
  Starting out with the story you are Jason the main character and you're out partying with your brother and friends. Then things turn sour because you were sky diving and land on an island that is full of cut throat modern day pirates. It gets deeper because you have to save your friends but I just don't want to spoil the story for you. The characters voices are very well done in this game and you will find that the physiology of the man bad guy is quite disturbing.
  Time and again I found myself not following the main story but exploring the sites in the game. There is plenty to do here. One of my favorite experiences was when I was out hunting for deer skin. I was there had my site set on a deer and BOOOM I get attacked by a freaken tiger. That caught me off guard completely and it made me happy simply because it registered in my head this game is more realistic than many of the games I have ever played. You just never know what might be around the next corner. So what was your thoughts on Far Cry 3 if you played it?


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