
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Tomb Raider (2013) PS3

  I got Tomb Raider (2013) for PS3 before my PS3 system went yellow light of death on me. Got about half way into the game when the system died. With that said the only bad experience I had in the game was my system dying on me. This by far was one of my favorite Tomb Raider games. I loved the story, graphics, sound, character building, and well who can forget puzzles. Tomb Raider really was re-imagined and it really worked out for the game.
  I found the graphics amazingly fun to see. From the grass moving to the tall radio towers you will have to scale you will see all kinds of wonderful art work up in your face. This isn't all I found so much fun in this game simply because Lara Croft really seemed like she was growing in this game. What I mean by growing is the fact that I wasn't the best shooter, hunter, or any of that at the first of the game. As I progressed so did Lara. That was just the beginning of the game.
  If you have read my last post I have been in a survival mood for my games. Well Tomb Raider is all about surviving. You have to hunt around for stuff to build your weapons up and even find things that really help you open doors. In my opinion that really made this game a lot of fun and very interesting.
  Now I haven't even mentioned the story yet. The thing is in Tomb Raider your are hunting for an old tribe that believed in a goddess. Well you get ship wrecked on an island that has a lot of crazy guys that want to kill everything. I know I'm not telling much but the story is very well done and there are a lot of things that you find out a long the way in this game. So I don't want to give away to much. All in all if you love survival, deep interesting story, puzzles, and great gameplay you will be right at home in this new Tomb Raider.


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